A few months ago, I took part in a beautiful project with Compeed. We filmed a video in the streets, in Born square. This project’s called Unstoppable Women and it is dedicated to all women, women from the XXI Century, that we have to play different roles throughout the day.

I had the chance to interview Marisa SantaMaría, a multi-tasking woman. She spends the day working and taking care of her family. Do not miss the surprise the give her at the end of the video. We shouldn’t forget to wear a pair of heels and a beautiful smile if we want to succeed in life. Hope you like the video and thank you so much for all your comments.

Hace unos meses, participé en un proyecto muy bonito con Compeed, grabando durante un día por mis calles favoritas del barrio del Born. El proyecto se llama Mujeres Imparables, y va dedicado a todas nosotras, mujeres del siglo XXI, que lidiamos con varios roles cada día de nuestra vida.

En este vídeo, entrevisto a Marisa SantaMaría, una mujer todoterreno que, como muchas de nosotras, dedica su vida a su trabajo y a su familia. No os podéis perder la sorpresa que le damos al final del vídeo… Nunca nos podemos olvidar de unos buenos tacones y de una sonrisa para triunfar en la vida. Espero que disfrutéis de este video. Muchas gracias por vuestros comentarios.

The post UNSTOPPABLE WOMEN appeared first on Lovely Pepa by Alexandra.

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